Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Engineering chemistry question

1.Hydrogenation is conversion of unsaturated acid groups into the saturated one by catalyst
a) Ti
b) Pb
c) Ni
d) Sn

Answer: c
Explanation: Hydrogenation is conversion of unsaturated acid groups into the saturated one by metal Nickel (Ni) catalyst.

2.Vegetable ghee is manufactured by
a) Saponification
b) Hydrogenation
c) Oxidation polymerisation
d) Reduction polymerisation

Answer: b
Explanation: Vegetable ghee is manufactured by hydrogenation. But due to the trans fatty acids dilemma, partial hydrogenation is no longer viable

3. Hydrogenolysis is a reaction which leads to the reduction products of
a) Aldehyde
b) Ketone
c) Alcohol
d) Ester

Answer: c
Explanation: Hydrogenolysis is a reaction which leads to the formation of glycerol and reduction products of alcohol.

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