Thursday, November 15, 2018

chem quiz

Q.1 The Mercury and Sodium street lamps light up because of
       A.atomic absorption
       B.atomic emission
       C.electron absorption
       D.electron emission


The mercury vapor lamp is a high intensity discharge lamp. It uses an arc through vaporized mercury in a high pressure tube to create very bright light directly from it's own arc. This is different from fluorescents which use the mercury vapor arc to create a weaker light that mainly creates UV light to excite the phosphors. The "Merc" as it is known has been a workhorse for society; lighting streets, factories and large areas for over 100 years.

Sodium Lamps were first produced commercially by Philips in Holland in 1932. There are two kinds of sodium lights: Low Pressure (LPS) and High Pressure (HPS). These lamps are mostly used for street lighting as well as industrial uses.

The lamp works by creating an electric arc through vaporized sodium metal. Other materials and gases are used to help start the lamp or control its color.

Answer:-atomic emission

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