Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Basic quizz

Q.1 In the liver CH3 OH is oxidized to __________.
       a) CH3 COOH
       b) CH4
       c) HCHO
       d) CH3 CHO

Q.2 The optic nerve is affected by __________.
       a) HCHO
       b) CH3 OH
       c) CH3CHO
       d) CH3COOH

Q.3 A highly poisonous substance is ________.
      a) CH3 OH
      b) C2H5OH
      c) C2H5OH+H2O
      d) CH3COOH


Monday, September 24, 2018

Basic quizz

Q.1 Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by :
      A.Acid Plants
      C.Wood Burning
      D.Domestic Sewage

Answer :-B
Q.2 Supersonic Aircrafts discharge the following substance into the statosphere:

Answer :-C 

Q.3 Atmosphere contains dust particles, salt grains, pollen grains, smoke, etc. which are collecctively        known as :
      A.Water vapour


Friday, September 21, 2018

Basic quizz

Q.1 Smoking is harmful to all parts of the body specially the lungs,The chemical present in tobacco that affects the lungs is


Q.2 The human body is made up of several chemical elements; the element present in the highest              proportion (65%) in the body is
      A. carbon
      B. hydrogen
      C. oxygen
      D. nitrogen

Answer: Option C

Q.3 The major constituent of air is
      A. nitrogen
      B. carbon dioxide
      C. oxygen
      D. hydrogen

Answer: Option A

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Daily fun quizz

Q.1 The organic molecules of the chemical sunscreen lotions absorb the UV radiations              from sunlight and release it as heat...
       C.Titanium oxide
       D.Zinc oxide

Q.2 Soaps and Detergents are cleansing products that we frequently use in our daily lives....They                clean by acting as


Q.3 Water, which occupies 70% of the earth's surface,is made by two chemical elements,they are
        A.Hydrogen and Oxygen
        B.Oxygen and Carbon
        C.Hydrogen and Carbon
        D.Hydrogen and sulphur


Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Basic quizz

Q.1 An amalgam is an alloy of metal with _________.
      a) Carbon
      b) Mercury
      c) Hydrogen
      d) Gold

Answer: b

Q.2Any metal mixed with mercury is called amalgam. The amalgam used for dental filling is _________.
     a) Ag-Sn amalgam
     b) Cu-Sn amalgam
     c) Either A or B
     d) None of these

Answer: a

Q.3.Metals presents in brass are __________.
      a) Zn, Cu
      b) Cu, Fe
      c) Fe, Al
      d) Al, Cu

Answer: a

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Basic quizzes

Q.1 What among following is used to produce artificial rain ?
       A.copper oxide
       B.carbon monoxide
       C.silver iodide
       D.silver nitrate


Q.2 Nail polish remover contains ?
      B.acetic acid
      D.petroleum ether


Q.3 Air contains maximum amount of
      D.carbon dioxide


Monday, September 17, 2018

Basic quizzes

Q.1 The gas that is responsible for global warming is
      A. Carbon dioxide
      B. Oxygen
      C. Methane
      D. Sulphur dioxide


Q.2 What is the main constituent of coal gas?
       A. Oxygen
       B. Water
       C. Nitrogen
       D. Methane

Q.3 For Which one of the following is the density maximum ?
      A. Chloroform
      B. Water
      C. Benzene
      D. Ice

Friday, September 14, 2018

Chemistry quizzes

Q.1 Permanent hardness of water can be removed by adding
      A.Potassium permanganate
      C.Bleaching powder
      D.Washing soda

Answer:- D

Q.2 The chemical name of Urea is
      D.None of these

Q.3 One fathome is equal to
      A.6 metres
      B.6 feet
      C.60 feet
      D.60 cm

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Q.1 Compounds having the same molecular formula but different structural formula for ________.
       a) isotopes
       b) isobars
       c) isotones
       d) isomers


Q.2 Each lattice of graphite is associated with ________.
      a) ionic bond
      b) electrostatic force
      c) covalent bond
      d) vanderwaal’s force


Q.3 Alcohol exhibits functional isomerism with __________.
      a) Aldehydes
      b) Ketones
      c) Ethers
      d) Alkanes


Monday, September 10, 2018

Basic quizzes

Q.1 Gargling with a solution of table salt is known to provide relief for a sore throat because ____ ?
      [A] It kills bacteria
      [B] It works as analgesic
      [C] It dehydrates water from inflammatory tissues by Osmosis
      [D] Placebo effect

Correct Answer: C [It dehydrates water from inflammatory tissues by Osmosis]

Q.2 Which among the following was first human-made plastic?
      [A] Bakelite
      [B] Polyethene
      [C] Celluloid
      [D] Nylon

Correct Answer: C [Celluloid]
he first human-made plastic was made by Alexander Parkes in 1855, when he synthesized celluloid. The new discovery found its use in photographic films, but it could not be used for making containers or insulators for electric circuits.
The first true plastic was made in 1909 by Leo Baekeland, who synthesized Bakelite. The hard plastic could be used to make handles, auto parts, etc. The First World War witnessed improvements in the manufacture of polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride, which found use in plumbing equipment and electric wire insulation. Nylon was synthesized in the 1930s. By 1950, plastics became quite popular and as a result we can see them everywhere today

Q.3 What is Kerogen oil?
      [A] Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution         of Oil Shales
     [B] Its a light crude oil contained in petroleum-bearing formations of shales
     [C] Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution        of environmental wastes
     [D] It’s a new form of vegetable oil prepared artificially in laboratory

Correct Answer: A [Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution of Oil Shales]

Thursday, September 6, 2018

chem quiz

Q.1 The Latin word formica means ant. The name formic acid is derived from this Latin word                    because
      A. this acid, in ancient times, was used to eliminate ant-hills
      B. this corrosive acid is secreted by ants to drive away their enemies
      C. this acid was first obtained by the distillation of ants
      D. ants are attracted by the odour of this acid

Answer: Option C

Q.2 The main use of salt in the diet is to
      A. make the taste of food better
      B. produce in small amounts the hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of food
      C. ease the process of cooking
      D. increase the solubility of food particles in water

Answer: Option B

Q.3 The main active constituent of tea and coffee is
      A. nicotine
      B. chlorophyll
      C. caffeine
      D. aspirin

Answer: Option C

Monday, September 3, 2018

Basic quizzes

Q.1 The acid used in a car battery is
       a) Hydrochloric acid
       b) Nitric acid
       c) Sulphuric acid
       d) Carbonic acid

Answer:- C

Q.2 Bronze is a mixture of
      a) Copper and Zinc
      b) Copper and Tin
      c) Zinc and Tin
      d) Iron and Copper


Q.3 Tubelight contains which gas?
      a) Sodium vapour with Argon
      b) Sodium vapour with Neon
      c) Mercury vapour with Argon
      d) Mercury vapour with Neon
