Thursday, September 6, 2018

chem quiz

Q.1 The Latin word formica means ant. The name formic acid is derived from this Latin word                    because
      A. this acid, in ancient times, was used to eliminate ant-hills
      B. this corrosive acid is secreted by ants to drive away their enemies
      C. this acid was first obtained by the distillation of ants
      D. ants are attracted by the odour of this acid

Answer: Option C

Q.2 The main use of salt in the diet is to
      A. make the taste of food better
      B. produce in small amounts the hydrochloric acid required for the digestion of food
      C. ease the process of cooking
      D. increase the solubility of food particles in water

Answer: Option B

Q.3 The main active constituent of tea and coffee is
      A. nicotine
      B. chlorophyll
      C. caffeine
      D. aspirin

Answer: Option C

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