Monday, September 10, 2018

Basic quizzes

Q.1 Gargling with a solution of table salt is known to provide relief for a sore throat because ____ ?
      [A] It kills bacteria
      [B] It works as analgesic
      [C] It dehydrates water from inflammatory tissues by Osmosis
      [D] Placebo effect

Correct Answer: C [It dehydrates water from inflammatory tissues by Osmosis]

Q.2 Which among the following was first human-made plastic?
      [A] Bakelite
      [B] Polyethene
      [C] Celluloid
      [D] Nylon

Correct Answer: C [Celluloid]
he first human-made plastic was made by Alexander Parkes in 1855, when he synthesized celluloid. The new discovery found its use in photographic films, but it could not be used for making containers or insulators for electric circuits.
The first true plastic was made in 1909 by Leo Baekeland, who synthesized Bakelite. The hard plastic could be used to make handles, auto parts, etc. The First World War witnessed improvements in the manufacture of polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride, which found use in plumbing equipment and electric wire insulation. Nylon was synthesized in the 1930s. By 1950, plastics became quite popular and as a result we can see them everywhere today

Q.3 What is Kerogen oil?
      [A] Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution         of Oil Shales
     [B] Its a light crude oil contained in petroleum-bearing formations of shales
     [C] Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution        of environmental wastes
     [D] It’s a new form of vegetable oil prepared artificially in laboratory

Correct Answer: A [Its an unconventional oil produced from the pyrolysis, hydrogenation, or thermal dissolution of Oil Shales]

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