Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Basic quizzes

Q.1 The first metal used by man was
       A. iron
       B. copper
       C. gold
       D. bronze

Explanation:-There is no historical documentation, but the most likely metals are copper and gold because they are both comparatively easy to find as natural ores, and are both soft enough to use without forging equipment. Both metals were used by many ancient cultures for jewelry and decorative uses; copper was also used for simple tools.Gold / Copper. Because both of these can be found as native metals in rock and therefore could be used before man learned how to smelt and ore. 


Q.2 The most electropositive elements among the following is
       A. Na
       B. Ca
       C. K
       D. Cs

Answer: Option :-D

Explanation:-Cesium is the most electropositive stable element.

What is electropositive element?
An electropositive element is one with very low electronegativity. These are typically the metals (alkali metals, alkaline earths, etc.). In order to form a stable valence shell configuration, they most easily lose electrons.

Q.3 The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in
      A. New Delhi
      B. Bangalore
      C. Pune
      D. Patna

Answer: Option C

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